Getting work.
So you wanna make a go at being a "tag-junkie", do ya?
Well rookie, you could start by calling every courier company in the yellowpages.
Good fucking luck.
All those companies get many, many calls
every day.
I suggest growing a spine, and riding your crappy-ass single speed racer downtown and talking to the couriers you see there.
BUT WAIT! Don't harass me when I'm working! Don't accost me when I am hustling out of the IDS, at 4:56 trying to get some bullshit filing to USDC by 5:00.
Just chill out, act normal, and make friends. Best way to get a job... referal. There are very few jobs available, and you can't have mine.
Maybe I sound like a dick, but that's just because I am... and cause you are just a pose-enger.